Recruiting Ashley WilliamsĪshley Williams will join the Normandy crew as a squadmate after completing the prologue mission on Eden Prime. Kaiden is a romance option for female Shepards. Kaiden is a powerful Human Sentinel and can use a wide variety of biotic and tech powers, however, is less proficient with weapons as compared to some other squamates that focus more on combat or are a mix of combat and something else. It is impossible to miss adding Kaiden as a member of your crew. Kaiden Alenko is an original member of the Normandy and you’ll begin your adventure with him without having to do anything at all. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the squadmates you can get in Mass Effect 1 and how to recruit them into your party in the Legendary Edition. You’ll become incredibly close with the members that end up joining your squad and fight alongside you to expose Saren for who he really is. Mass Effect 1 is filled with memorable characters.